New Years is upon us. Time is flying and I’ve been so busy with work I can barely keep up. I woke up early today to shoot, just got done editing, and now I’m writing this blog post before heading in for my shift tonight. Oh and I picked up tomorrow night (NYE) which I am regretting already. I can’t say no to the money and I’m a workaholic. My resolution for 2017 is to definitely be better at time management and concentrate on consulting and the blog. I can’t keep having 4 jobs at a time anymore, I’m always burning the candle at both ends, and when I finally get a break I spend it recuperating and not enjoying the things that make life worthwhile. I’m not trying to be negative but I have been reflecting these past few days after Christmas and right before the beginning of the new year, which I’m sure a lot of you have been doing as well. What are you most looking forward to in the New Year? What kind of improvements will you be concentrating on in your life?
Lets get down to business which is DRINKS!
I wanted to make something topped with bubbly because it only seems appropriate. You have to drink Champagne on NYE! This is a little riff on a French 75 and is perfect for your New Years Eve gatherings. You can batch this, and just top with sparkling to serve, put it in a punch bowl, or make to order if there are just a few of you. The Calvados and Poire Williams combine magnificently to bring you something thats fruity yet winter appropriate with some citrus and a fizz!
I found these little tinsel coasters that slip onto the foot of your glass at a thrift store! Perfect find for holiday parties!
Apple & Pear Champagne Cocktail
1 oz. Calvados (or Apple Brandy like Applejack)
1 oz. Poire Williams
3/4 oz. Lemon Juice
3/4 oz. Simple Syrup (1:1)
Top Champagne
Combine all ingredients except Champagne into a tin, shake with ice, strain into a flute or coupe, and top with Champagne.
It’s been a really hard year for me with the passing of my father and that put a lot of things into perspective for me. Life is short and it’s flying by. I want everything I do to be more meaningful. I want to have the life I’ve always dreamed of because I work really hard and I deserve it.
On the other hand this year has also been very positive for me. I have accomplished a lot, and I’ve worked really hard and I am proud of myself. I started the blog and although I have a long way to go with growing it, it has only been 6 months and I’m really happy with where it has gone in such little time. I want to thank all of you who take time out of your day to read my posts, like my photos, and give me supportive feedback. Sometimes it’s really hard to want to put forth the effort to do this when people are being negative or when you’ve had a really long week at work and just want to stay in bed. It is another full time job (that I love), but it is a lot of work and I appreciate every kind word that is sent my way.
There is a lot to be excited about in the New Year and I can’t wait to get there! Have a wonderful NYE and I will see you in 2017!
I can’t believe you have only been blogging for six months! Your photos are amazing and it’s all so gorgeous. I have enjoyed getting to know you and all of the other cocktail bloggers in our lovely "pod." 2017 is going to be great!
Thanks so much Kim! I appreciate you taking the time to read my post and I can’t believe it myself. I jumped in and started with the small goal of "1 post a week" and sometimes I’ve done more, but I have always kept to that. It has been a whirlwind and I look forward to developing it more and seeing where it goes in 2017! I enjoy getting to know all of you and I’m so happy to support other like minded women with similar goals. It’s nice having people to be able to ask advice from, but also wonderful to connect with others which I may not have met otherwise. Looking forward to getting to know you more! Cheers!